Monday 27 April 2015

Nepal - How To Donate

Courtesy of The Guardian, there's a very useful article that lists and provides links to all the ways we can donate to help people in Kathmandu and Nepal. The article is here.

I chose to donate to Oxfam since I've been a lifelong supporter (and am a regular giver) but also because I bought a tablecloth from the Oxfam shop in Kathmandu when I was there in the '90s. I went for 'soft goods' on that trip since they were easier to pack and carry.  The tablecloth was bright yellow and has a green Hindu 'knot' design. I still have that tablecloth and it's still bright yellow. I remember the shop as having big windows and being bright and airy, built on the side of a hill and me being the only punter in there at the time. I have fond memories of Kathmandu.

I don't mind which organisation you donate to but please donate. Nepal is a small but very special and beautiful country and the Nepalese people need our help and support at this sad time. It will survive and rebuild but, just now, a helping hand would be welcomed.

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