Wednesday 2 April 2014

Justin Vivian Bond ' 'The Golden Age Of Hustlers'

You may remember that last year I blogged about Justin Vivian Bond starting a Kickstarter appeal to make a video to immortalise Bambi Lake's Song, 'The Golden Age of Hustlers'. Well, I supported it and have patiently awaited the result. And I haven't been disappointed. Here's the video:

I first saw Justin perform this song about 8 years ago and I've been transfixed ever since. What is it about the song that draws me in? I've no idea, but it's a description of a world I'll never know but was so real at the time. Justin is doing the world a big favour by keeping it alive. And keeping Bambi alive. I think it's important that these glimpses into past worlds aren't forgotten. The world keeps changing and we need to keep track of these changes to prevent ourselves becoming lost.

Thank you Bambi and thank you Justin. Good stuff!

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